A popular myth in gardening circles claims that sugar water is a good fertilizer for plants and can help plants recover from transplant shock. It’s easy to see why this idea would be popular. Most people already have a bag of sugar on hand; if not, it’s cheap and easy to get.
Unfortunately, sugar water is not good for plants as a fertilizer or transplant shock tonic. In fact, using sugar water can block the roots of your plants and cause them to reject water.
When a plant experiences transplant shock, the problem is often caused by an inability to photosynthesize. Plants need an adequate amount of sun and water to perform this vital task, so using any substance that interferes with water uptake is not helpful.
Generally speaking, shelter from the harsh elements, consistent care, strong indirect sunlight, and patience will help your plant recover from transplant shock.
Questions and answers about sugar water and plants
1. Why do some gardeners think sugar water is good for plants?
A lack of understanding of the mechanics of photosynthesis leads some gardeners to believe that plants can use edible sugar. To carry out photosynthesis, plants need carbon dioxide, water and energy to make starch and sugar.
A lack of understanding of this process has led some to believe that adding sugar to the plant will provide more carbohydrates for the roots to take up to fuel the plant’s growth.
This is a false thesis because plants do not metabolize sugar through the digestive system like humans. In addition, the sugar produced by plants is a complex monosaccharide chain structure that is difficult to break down. Table sugar is ordinary glucose. Plants cannot use it.
When plants carry out photosynthesis, they create the amount of sugar necessary to survive and thrive in a certain stage of life.
For example, as a seed sprout grows into a seedling and then a young plant, it needs plenty of its own complex sugar. When it matures, it will need less. The plant will regulate it itself.
When you pour sugar water into a plant’s soil, the sugar just coats the plant’s roots and causes interference. Furthermore, sugar can spoil the soil and attract harmful soil fauna, leading to plant diseases.
2. If a plant suffers from transplant shock, doesn’t it need extra sugar?
The same concepts apply to plants suffering from transplant shock as to any other. If your plant is experiencing shock because its roots are damaged or because it is simply adjusting to its new environment, pouring sugar water on the soil will only make the situation worse.
On the other hand, gentle, consistent, correct care, plus patience, will lead to recovery from transplant shock.
3. Is sugar water used correctly in the garden?
Yes, sugar can be used to preserve cut flowers and to feed beneficial pollinators.
Sugar is a preservative.
When collecting flowers from a cut flower garden, carry a container of sugar water and place the cut flowers directly into it.
In addition, plant stems (as opposed to roots) can absorb simple sugars. So when you put cut flowers in sugar water, the flowers are tricked into “thinking” they are still on the living plant. This will extend the life of your bouquet.
Once you have arranged the cut flowers in the vase, fill the vase with the mixture:
- 2 tablespoons of white vinegar
- 1 liter of warm water
- 3 spoons of sugar
Mix this up ahead of time so it’s cool when you’re ready to use it. The sugar will still keep the flowers fresh and the vinegar will help fight bacterial growth. Change the mixture every few days and rinse the plant stems for best results.
Attract and nurture beneficial garden fauna.
Sugar water is also useful in the garden as a pollinator attractant. In particular, keeping feeders filled with sugar water hanging from trees, shrubs, and porch eaves will attract hummingbirds.
According to the Audubon Society, the best hummingbird mix consists of:
- 1 part of regular table sugar
- 4 parts boiling water
Mix sugar and water in a clean bowl with a clean spoon. Leave to cool well and fill the feeders. No artificial color is required.
Be sure to refill hummingbird feeders every few days. Clean them thoroughly every time you charge them.
Other pollinators, such as bees, wasps, ladybugs, and more, may be attracted to your sugar water, and it won’t hurt them to eat.
Include plants that attract pollinators and beneficial insects to have a healthy and diverse population of them in your garden.
4. How can I prevent my plants from experiencing transplant shock?
Think about how plants usually live. They don’t move much!
- When you need to bring a plant home from the nursery or even a friend’s garden, make it a short, direct trip. Avoid leaving your plant in a cold or hot car. If you must carry a large plant, shrub or tree in the open bed of the truck, lay them down and cover them with a tarp to prevent wind damage.
- When transplanting garden plants from one place to another or potted plants from one container to another, start with a good watering. Keeping the root ball moist throughout the process will help you avoid root damage.
- If you need to dig up the plant, make a circle around the plant large enough to contain most of the roots. Make sure the root ball remains intact. Do not remove excess soil. This will protect the roots.
When replanting, handle the root ball carefully. Do not massage the roots.
- When transplanting is complete, finish with another thorough watering. Keeping your plant hydrated during this stressful event helps protect against transplant shock.
5. What if the plant has all the symptoms of transplant shock, but has not been transplanted?
Realize that transplant shock can occur even without a transplant! For example, some houseplants will experience transplant shock just from movement. Avoiding unnecessary movement can help prevent this.
When you get a new potted plant, choose a spot for it before you get home. Then put it in there and don’t move it or transplant it for a few weeks.
This may be a time for quarantine. This will allow the plant to adapt to the new environment as you make sure you are not introducing any pests, bacteria or fungi.
6. How to help a plant recover from transplant shock?
Plants experiencing transplant shock need peace, quiet and consistency. So give your new transplant shelter consistent warmth, bright, indirect sunlight, and consistent watering to help it get established.
If you want, you can give a half dose of a high nitrogen fertilizer to help it grow new leaves.
If the existing leaves of the plant wilt, prune them. If the plant is boxy, cut off the excess stems and branches. This will allow the plant to invest energy in establishing good root growth.
Be patient and think about the season. It can take days, weeks or even months for a plant to fully recover from transplant shock. This is especially true if you are moving or transplanting outside of the typical growing season for plants.
For example, a plant moved or transplanted in the fall may seem to fade away only to revive when the weather warms.