One of the most common and colorful types of indoor plants is the Croton (Codiaeum Variegatum), a member of the Euphorbiaceae plant family native to the western Pacific and tropical Asia.
These tropical plants are only winter hardy in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 12, but make wonderful houseplants in any climate. In a tropical environment, they can be used to create low, colorful hedges, in mass plantings or as pretty ground plants.
Many different cultivars have a wide variety of leaf patterns and colors. One of the most colorful and popular is Iceton Croton (Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum), also known as Red Iceton or Mrs. Icetone.
This variety starts with oval leaves with pointed tips in shades of deep yellow. As the plant matures, the leaves turn shades of pink, pink and red.
In this article we discuss Iceton Croton care. Read on to find out more.
How did the Red Iceton Croton come about?
A grower in South Florida noticed that some plants were showing very unusual pink and pink tones. She bred this isolated genetic mutation (aka: Sport) and developed plants that could reproduce.
The finalized variety presents shades ranging from dark purple black and greenish bronze to pale shades of pink and peach.
Why is this Croton variety a good choice for indoors?
Mrs. Iceton Croton has a fairly fast growth rate and usually reaches a height of about 4 feet when kept as a houseplant.
It makes an attractive addition to the home because, unlike many other crotons, it does not shed its lower leaves easily. As a result, the plant maintains a full, uniform, attractive growth habit as it matures.
The color of the plants and the formation of the leaves are stunning. Iceton Croton leaves are heavily veined, large and leathery and display a rainbow of colorful colors.
Red Iceton Croton gets more beautiful with age
Variations in leaf color are partly due to the maturity of the plant. Color is also affected by lighting and temperature.
Provide consistently warm temperatures (70° to 80° degrees Fahrenheit) and bright, indirect lighting for best results.
Consistent lighting results in even more brilliant leaf color
Note that croton plants are natural jungle plants. In their native environment, they like tall, dappled shade. Place your indoor croton near a south, west or east facing window.
In summer, your Red Iceton Croton will present you with tiny, yellow or white, odorless, star-shaped flowers that are completely inconspicuous.
In the winter period, the plant will be dormant. During this period, its growth will slow down. As with most plants, you should reduce watering in the winter.
Soaking and dry watering keeps the Iceton Croton happy and healthy
In general, Mrs. Iceton Croton needs moderate watering. Provide occasional thorough, deep watering, then wait until the soil is almost dry to water again.
It is best to soak these plants from below or gradually pour warm water over the surface of the soil. Sudden watering does not lead to thorough soaking of the soil.
When watering, the soil must be well soaked because these plants do not absorb moisture through their leaves. Instead, they depend entirely on their roots. For this reason, high humidity levels are neither required nor recommended.
The right potting medium facilitates good absorption of water and nutrition
A good potting medium is essential to maintaining a proper watering routine.
Be sure to use a high-quality potting mix or potting mix supplemented with coir, perlite, or vermiculite to create a light, airy mix that will allow excess water to drain while maintaining the right amount of moisture to feed the plant’s roots.
No fertilizer is needed!
You won’t need to fertilize Iceton Croton if you use a good quality potting soil. These plants will pick up all the nutrients they need from the soil.
However, you must be sure to repot your croton container every year or whenever it doubles in size. It will use up all the nutrients in the soil as it grows.
Protect yourself from milk juice!
When transplanting (usually in the spring or summer), you may want to prune and shape your Mrs. Iceton Croton. When pruning, protect yourself from contact with the sticky white sap of the plants.
Remember this plant is Euphorbia and the sap is an irritant. Protect your eyes and be sure to wash after handling and pruning your plant.
Grow more Red Iceton Croton from cuttings
When you prune your Iceton Croton, you can use the cuttings to grow new plants. Choose stem cuttings 3″ or 4″ inches long with several leaves.
Dip the ends of the cuttings in rooting hormone powder and plant them in small pots using the same mixture you used to transplant the mother plant.
Place your cuttings in an area that receives bright, indirect sunlight and maintains a temperature between 70° and 80° Celsius. Keep the soil evenly moist (never soggy). You should see new growth within a month.
Healthy Iceton Croton is a carefree plant
For the most part, a well-maintained Mrs. Iceton easily resists pest and disease problems.
However, the wrong amounts of water, sun and heat, as well as failure to repot as needed, will weaken the plant and can make it susceptible to common house plant pests and problems.
Follow the tips presented here to properly grow and care for Iceton Croton.