From reducing energy consumption to recycling waste, it seems that everyone these days is interested in doing their part to help the environment. While green living conserves natural resources and reduces pollution, it also has the practical benefit of saving money on your utility bills.
Actor and environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr. is living proof of the power of green behavior.
Although you probably know him best from his many roles in television and film, he has been an outspoken advocate for sustainable living for nearly 40 years. Everything about his home shows his commitment to walking the earth as lightly as possible.

He even wrote a book about his experiences, Living Like Ed: A Guide to Eco-Friendly Living.
Sustainable Site
The first thing to consider when building a greenhouse is minimizing the environmental impact on the site. Just north of San Diego, the green development of Del Sur is doing just that. Their emphasis on environmentally friendly building practices and commitment to preserving 60% of the development’s land as open space has earned Del Sur some of California’s top environmental awards.

Flow paving of driveways, streets and parking lots is another way to limit damage to the environment.
While permeable pavers have the look and feel of concrete or asphalt, they allow rainwater to filter and soak into the soil.

This reduces runoff that can pollute waterways and lower groundwater levels, as well as the need for expensive storm drains and retention ponds.
Reuse and recycling
The Ranch House in Del Sur is both a welcome center and an example of sustainable development. Since transporting building materials long distances greatly increases their environmental impact, many of the materials in Del Sur are sourced locally.

The walls for the ranch house were built from stones found on the property, while the wooden floor and ceiling beams were from structures that were being demolished.
Nonprofits like Reuse People acquire buildings slated for demolition in exchange for tax breaks. They then take it apart and resell the materials to finance their efforts. By taking the building apart piece by piece, they are able to reuse about three-quarters of the total weight and recycle much of the rest.
Companies such as TerraMai in California specialize in converting high-quality wood from demolished structures into lumber for siding, flooring and millwork.
Because much of it comes from older, slow-growing trees, the wood is stronger and more stable than wood produced today.

Instead of tearing down older inefficient houses and apartment buildings, some developers like Marty Bhatia of OM Development, LLC in Chicago are converting them into energy-efficient and environmentally friendly structures. Buyers are even given a handbook explaining the building’s green features.

Green products
Green building materials can be made from anything, including agricultural waste.
Environ Biocomposites produces a composite material made from recycled sunflower husks known as Dakota Burl® that does not emit harmful gases and can be used for a number of indoor applications.

Kirei Board is an organic product made in China from sorghum stalks that remain after harvest.
The lightweight panels have an interesting grain pattern and can be used for anything from cabinets to flooring.

Water conservation
A family of four uses an average of 400 gallons of water per day, or nearly 150,000 gallons per year.
Toilets are the biggest user of water in the home. Older models require up to three times more water than new high-efficiency toilets, such as Persuade™ and San Raphael™ from Kohler.

Replacing your existing toilet can reduce your home’s water usage by as much as 10,000 gallons per year.
Showers are another big guzzler of water. Replacing your standard shower head with a low-flow model, such as the Kohler MasterShower® Ecofficient™, can save you up to 20%.

Adding low-flow aerators to kitchen and bathroom faucets will also help. Be sure to check with your local water supplier to see if tax credits are available for installing water-saving devices. Another way to reduce water usage is to divert runoff from your roof to a lawn watering tank.

Some systems, such as the Deluxe Potable System from Rainwater Management Solutions, can even filter water for use in your home.
If replacing bathroom fixtures or installing a rainwater harvesting system isn’t in your budget, you can still reduce water use by fixing leaks, limiting shower time, and washing only full loads of clothes and dishes.
Read and watch Going Green, Part 2
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Other tips from this episode

Simple Solutions with Joe Truini:
Checking drafts
A simple test for air leaks is to slowly run a butane lighter around the edges of doors and windows. If the flame bends or flickers, repair or replace the protective layer until it remains stable. Be sure to keep flames away from curtains or other flammable materials.

The best new products from Emilie Barta:
n:vision compact fluorescent lamps
CFL bulbs from n:vision are Energy Star rated and use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs while delivering the same amount of light. Since they last about 10 times longer, you can expect to save $40 to $50 over the life of each bulb. For more natural light, choose a warm or soft white color temperature. Learn more at The Home Depot.

Ask Danny:
Installation of a programmable thermostat
I’ve heard that installing a digital thermostat will lower your utility bills. Is that true? -Vicky from the Spanish Fort
Installing a programmable digital thermostat allows your central system to reduce heating and cooling when the home is unoccupied. While this can save up to 15% a year on utility bills, the actual amount will vary depending on how it’s set up and how much time the house is empty each day. If you have a heat pump, use one of the newer hybrid thermostats that are designed to work with these systems.