Yellowing of leaves on plants can be a normal process. Older leaves naturally turn yellow and fall, replacing fresh, new growth. In autumn, tree leaves naturally change color and fall.
Neither of these cases is cause for concern, but if your plant, shrub or tree is showing lots of yellow leaves and it’s not the right time of year for the leaves to change, you may have a problem with iron chlorosis, a common nutrient. deficiency.

If a plant cannot get enough iron into its leaves, it will not be able to carry out photosynthesis and create chlorophyll, the source of the green color of the leaves.
When the leaves of a plant turn yellow in a uniform manner, it is chlorosis. This is an indication that your plant is not producing enough chlorophyll.
This disorder has many causes, including:
- Incorrect application of herbicides
- Temperature extremes
- Lack of nutrients
- Pathogenic diseases
- Too much water
- Too much light
- Too little water
- Insect feeding
- Root damage
Because so many types of stressors can cause chlorosis, it’s easy to see that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to preventing and treating the condition.
Generally speaking, best plant care practices will help you avoid this problem in your plants.
If you have problems with yellow leaves, it’s a good idea to review your plant care practices and correct any problems with light, temperature, water, soil, fertilizer or pests.
In this article we will discuss some of the conditions that cause chlorosis in plants and provide good advice on how to deal with this common plant problem. Read on to find out more.
How to treat chlorosis
Chlorosis caused by lack of nutrients
The most common form of chlorosis is iron chlorosis. This happens when your plant is not getting enough iron. Iron chlorosis may be caused by a lack of iron in the soil, or it may be that your plant is unable to absorb the type of iron present.
A plant with iron chlorosis will have yellow leaves with green veins. To correct this problem, you will need an iron plant supplement with a chelated plant.
Apply this to the soil according to package directions. For acid-loving plants, you may also want to add a sulfur product to further acidify the soil.
How can you tell if your plant has iron chlorosis?
Iron chlorosis usually affects new growth before it affects old growth. With this problem, the body of the leaf will turn yellow, but its veins will remain green.
In very severe cases, the leaves may completely turn white and fall off. Twig and branch growth may also be stunted, and plant stems and limbs may die.
Severely affected plants may not flower or set fruit.
Why does iron chlorosis occur?
This problem can occur because there is not enough iron in the soil or because the pH level of the soil is too alkaline. This prevents the plants from taking up the iron found in the soil. The best way to determine what is wrong with your soil is to have a soil test.
You can test your soil with a soil test kit or contact your local helpline for help. Testing your soil will help you determine its pH level and texture. This is all valuable information.
What can you do to treat iron chlorosis?
If your soil test reveals that your soil is too alkaline (greater than 7), you can add soil amendments, such as sulfurs and sulfates, as mentioned. This will make it easier for your plants to access the iron in the soil.
Generally speaking, overly alkaline soil can inhibit iron absorption by plants. A soil pH level of 6.0-6.5 is best for most plants.
Acid-loving plants are more satisfied with soil with a pH level of 4.5. You can achieve this level and improve your plants’ ability to absorb iron by supplementing your soil with a wide variety of products, such as:
- Aluminum sulfate
- Iron sulfate
- Iron chelates
- Iron sulfate
- Sulphur
If your soil test shows that your soil is deficient in iron, you can also add micronutrients to your soil. Iron and manganese supplements can help with chlorosis; however, you will also want to improve the quality of the soil.
Some nutrient supplements can simply be sprinkled on the soil and watered. Others must be incorporated into the soil for best results. Be sure to carefully follow the instructions on the package.
There are also nutrient supplements that can be injected into the soil using a root feeder. This may be a more sustainable option for large plants, shrubs and trees in the landscape.
Natural soil amendments provide constant support
Landscape plants will also benefit from the addition of 2”-4” of organic mulch (eg leaf mulch or compost) to keep the soil evenly moist and maintain a steady addition of nutrients to the soil as the mulch breaks down. This also helps keep the soil at the proper pH level.
Start by simply spreading a few inches of organic compost around the base of affected shrubs or trees.
Cover this with a thick layer of bark mulch. Compost will bring more nutrients to the soil, and mulch will help keep the moisture level constant.
Over time, the mulch will also break down and feed the soil. When this happens, you can simply turn it under and add more compost and mulch. This will help build good soil quality which is absolutely necessary to prevent and correct iron chlorosis problems.
Lighten the leaves with foliar feeding
In addition to correcting soil pH levels and nutrient intake, you can give your plants’ leaves a temporary boost with foliar feeding.
Improving the soil and adding nutrients are long-term solutions, but may not have very quick results. Indeed, soil amendments and amendments may take a year to fully resolve the problem.
To improve the appearance of your plants in the meantime, you can deliver a dose of iron by spraying the leaves of the plants with an iron compound.
Spray the leaves liberally with a soluble organic iron complex, iron chelate, or iron sulfate solution.
Repeat the treatment every few weeks during the growing season. This will help keep the plant green, but will not correct any soil problems.
Identify the leaf yellowing pattern and treat nutrient deficiencies with the best fertilizer
Identify and correct problems that lead to chlorosis
Yellowing leaves are usually one of the first symptoms of a wide range of environmental stresses.
Prolonged periods in a less-than-ideal environment will cause stunted growth, yellowing of leaves and overall failure to thrive. It is important to pay close attention to your plants and record any negative symptoms and their progression.
When you notice that something is wrong with your plants, there is very little chance that the problem will resolve itself.
Negative symptoms like chlorosis are your plants’ cry for help. Carefully inspect the plant and its living conditions and make corrections if necessary.
Very often plants show symptoms that appear to be caused by pests or diseases, but the real cause is the plant’s environment.
This type of stressor is called “abiotic injury”. This condition is caused by too much or too little water, too much or too little light or poor soil.
Chlorosis caused by excessive watering
For houseplants, one of the main causes of chlorosis is overwatering. When the plant’s roots are constantly wet, the plant simply cannot “breathe” or process nutrients properly.
Also, wet roots quickly rot, causing the plant to succumb to fungal and bacterial infections. This is also a prominent cause of chlorosis.
Weakened plants are more susceptible to pest infestation, and pests will further burden the diseased plant and cause even greater problems with yellowing.
If the problem that caused the yellowing to begin with is not addressed, the plant’s leaves will turn brown and it will die.
In the case of plants in pots or containers, you may be best off simply repotting a brand new, fresh potting mix.
Fix chlorosis with excellent plant culture
Remember that iron chlorosis in plants begins in the soil. To avoid this, you need to provide a good environment for your plants from the very beginning. To correct it correctly, you need to test your soil and make the correct changes.
When you provide your plants with excellent growing conditions, you will find a long-term solution for the prevention and treatment of chlorosis.
Plants given light, airy, nutritious, well-draining soil, the right amount of light, air and water are unlikely to experience excessive leaf yellowing.