March 12, 2024

Two weekends ago, during a trip to Houston to see family and friends, I visited the Mercer Botanic Gardens in the northern suburb of Humble. The gardens were just waking up to spring and I enjoyed a leisurely walk along the garden paths and paths. This beautifully pruned loropetalum tree in full bloom greeted me near the entrance.
This was my first visit to Mercer, which is still recovering from Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Harvey submerged the buildings and grounds under 8 feet of smelly water. When the water finally receded, trees lay uprooted, benches tilted, and 5-foot piles of driftwood covered with plantings. The leadership at Mercer didn’t give up. They undertook the restoration of the gardens and the destroyed visitor center, which reopened last year.
According to a 2023 article Houston Chronicle“Before Hurricane Harvey, [Mercer] had 10,000 [plant] species in their collection. After the devastating effects of Harvey, including a tornado that tore through part of the park, the collection was nearly cut in half. ‘Right now we have between 7,000 and 8,000 species and we’re recovering,’ [education director Christy] said Jones.”
You have to admire the determination of the garden’s staff, volunteers and supporters. Now let’s explore.

Fringe longleaf pine is a distinctive East Texas native that is not found in my region of Central Texas. I always admire this tree when I see it. Here’s some historical context:
“Two centuries ago, longleaf pine forests spanned the southeastern United States, from eastern Texas to Virginia. longleaf pine (Swamp pine) was the dominant tree species on about 60 million hectares, and an important part of the tree species mix on another 30 million hectares… Today, longleaf pine ecosystems are found on slightly more than three million hectares, or three percent of its historical range, primarily in scattered areas on federal, state and conservation lands.”
National Park Service: Big Thicket National Preserve
Sounds like a good reason to plant one or more if you live in East Texas and have the space.

I was also excited to see jaupon holly with yellow berries (Ilex Vomitoria), a fun change from the usual red berry variety.

hawthorn parsley (Crataegus marshallii) bloomed with white flowers tipped with bright pink stamens. The leaves resemble the leaves of parsley, its namesake.

Bumblebees were humming among the pretty flowers, though they eluded my camera.

Parsley hawthorn is native from southeastern Florida to eastern Texas.

Along the path that wound through the back of the garden, I spotted a collection of Louisiana irises planted in raised chimneys.

And some sort of white flowering tree

And a camellia with shiny leaves and withered burgundy flowers

A shaded pavilion and boardwalk wrap around a large pond with handsome bald cypress trees.

It’s a nod to the wetlands on which Houston and its surroundings were built. The Gulf is now vying to stake its claim, but I hope the redesigned Mercer finds a way to co-exist with the swelling waters.
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Digging Deeper
March 16: To attend the third annual Budding Out Plant Sale & Festival 3/16 at John Fairey Garden in Hempstead. Rare and distinctive plants from the garden nursery and selected plant vendors will be for sale. Additional offerings include art, ceramics, jewelry, food, music and presentations. Admission: $5 for members, $10 for non-members, children 12 and under free. Working hours: from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; members receive early admission at 9am (membership available day of event).
30-31. March: Come see Austin Cactus & Succulent Society Show in the Zilker Botanical Garden on March 30 and 31 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Includes a plant display with specimen cacti and succulents, handmade pottery, a daily silent auction and hourly plant raffle, and expert advice. Admission is included with paid Zilker Garden admission, $5 to $8 for adults, $3 to $4 for children (under 2 free).
April 6: Come out to Austin’s Mayfield Park on 4/6 for Mayfield Park Gardening Symposium & Fundraiser, from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. This annual park benefit includes a raffle, plant sale and garden speakers.
May 4: Explore “splendid backyards, perfect pools and pergolas, and outdoor rooms and gardens” at ATX outdoor trip 4. 5. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Landscape architects, designers and builders will be on hand to answer questions. Tickets are $33.85 for adults, $17.85 for children 10-17.
May 11: Save the date for Austin Home’s Great Outdoors Tour on 5/11.
June 1-2: Take a two-day bar and garden tour in and around Austin at the annual Austin Pond and Garden Tour, held on February 1 and 6 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets are $20 to $25.
Come learn about gardening and design at Garden Spark! I host in-person talks by inspiring designers, landscape architects, authors, and gardeners several times a year in Austin. These are limited-attendance events that sell out quickly, so join the Garden Spark email list to be notified in advance; simply click this link and request to be added. Season 8 begins in the fall of 2024. Stay tuned for more information!
All material © 2024 Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.