Before I close up shop for the holidays, I always like to take a minute to extend a little love. Thank you so much for following along this year. This little space on the internet brings me an enormous amount of peace and joy. I can’t tell you how good it feels to have you in my corner through it all. Thank you for reading, for following, and for your unwavering love and support. I’m incredibly lucky – it doesn’t go unnoticed.
If you are struggling this season, know that you are not alone. I know I share a lot of rainbows and butterflies here, especially this time of year, because I really want this space to be a space of light and love. But I know that’s not everyone’s reality (by any stretch of the imagination). Please note that this is a safe space. I am thinking of you and sending you so much love and support.
Grateful for you today and always. A very happy holiday to you and yours.
xx, Jacquelyn
Photo: The Cooks Atelier