I’m a master procrastinator. I’m so good at procrastinating that I’ll read articles on how not to procrastinate. Usually these articles are full of common sense stuff like keeping a planner and setting regular work hours, which I’ve never been good at. But once, in a particularly bad bout of procrastination, I came across something called the “distraction list” method. I thought it was genius and started using it right away — and it almost doubled my productivity.
What is the jam list method?
A distraction list is essentially another kind of to-do list, but one that keeps you focused on what you’re already doing. With this method, you make a list of all the things that distract you while you’re working on a project. Write them down the moment they occur to you. It will get the boring idea out of your head and onto a piece of paper so you won’t be bothered to get the job done. When you take a break, you can review the list of distractions to see if there’s anything you need to do right away, or if you can just cross it off the list anyway.
The distraction list trick works especially well with the Pomodoro technique, where you work in 25-minute increments and take five-minute breaks in between. During breaks, I often manage to cross off a bunch of little things from the list.
How a distraction list helps me
My distraction list has been a huge boon to my productivity. Before, when something distracted me, I stopped what I was doing to quickly solve that new task. Now it’s set aside until I’m ready. I don’t have to worry about forgetting what I need to do by the time I’m done with work, or taking time away from work to do it.
I only use my distraction list when I’m working from home, which is kind of funny, because the list tends to fill up with things I need to do around the house. Maybe I need to start doing the laundry or clean up the table – note them down and move on. I also include some bigger things outside of the house, like making a doctor’s appointment or sending a package in the mail. Any task that distracts me while I’m working goes on the list.
During breaks at work when I use the Pomodoro technique, I tackle some things on the distraction list. If something is left at the end of the work day, I either do it immediately or save the non-essential items until the next day and add them to the list while I work again. At the end of the week, I try to cross off every remaining task from the list.
My distraction list is the only thing that has ever helped my procrastination habit. It keeps me on track because I get the thought out of my head, and it also helps me feel calmer and more organized because I’m not thinking about a million things at once. Instead, I follow them and allow myself to get back on task. It is a type of meditation. With meditation, you acknowledge the floating thoughts and then refocus on the breath. With a distraction list, you jot down wandering thoughts and then refocus on your work. To try. You won’t regret it.