How to Propagate Snake Plant
Snake plants can easily propagate and create new plants for yourself or a friend.
Step 1: Take a leaf cutting
Use sharp, clean scissors to cut off a healthy leaf right at the soil line. Since snake plants don’t grow from stems or vines like other houseplants, you don’t have to worry about finding the right “knot” for your cut. Consider cutting a V-shaped notch in the bottom to expose more surface area for root growth.
Step 2: Propagation of cuttings in water
Fill a clear cup, vase or container with at least 2″ of water. Place the cut leaf inside and place it in a partially sunny spot, such as a windowsill. You can even place multiple cuttings in a vase to create an attractive arrangement. Refresh the water every 1-2 weeks.
Step 3: Once rooted, transfer to soil
Once your cutting starts to root at least 1 inch, you can transfer it to a pot of soil. This may take several weeks. Remember to use loose soil for optimal drainage. A mix of cacti, palms or succulent soil is best.
Once your cutting is potted, care for your new snake plant just as you would a mature plant.